John C. McDonald, Melissa McDonald, Martha McDonald Whyte, Karen McDonald Lairmore, Martha McDonald.
Terry Lairmore, Melissa McDonald, Karen McDonald Lairmore, Martha McDonald Whyte, William Whyte.
Dr. Donnie Aultman and Jere Bellar. Dr. Aultman is a faculty member in the Department of Surgery at LSUHSC
in Shreveport and Jere Bellar was Dr. McDonald’s administrative assistant from 1980 to 2006.
Louise Jacobbi, longtime colleague of Dr. McDonald.
Dr. A.G. Diethelm and wife, Nancy, close friends of the McDonalds. Dr. Diethelm is the retired
Chief of Surgery at the University of Alabama School of Medicine.
Dr. Joseph Fischer and Dr. McDonald.
Dr. Robert Sparkman and his wife, Willie, dear friends of the McDonalds. Dr. Sparkman was Chief of Surgery
at the Baylor University Medical Center and served as President of the Southern Surgical Association in 1978.